Welcome to the APA of
Central Ohio
The APA is the World's Largest Amateur Pool League with more members than all other amateur leagues combined. Nationally, the APA currently boasts over 260,000 members (and growing). Our local league is growing as well.
Talk to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and you will see that they either play in the APA or know someone who does. People from all different backgrounds and walks of life play in the APA Pool League. In addition, over one fourth of APA members are female. APA is a great way to "Have Fun, Meet People, & Play Pool!

Not a pool player? Not a problem! Most people don't join the APA because they are good at pool, they join because they want to have fun and get out of the house. Learn how to play or improve your skills while making new friends. The APA rules are friendly for beginners and the Equalizer Handicap System helps level the playing field for all players.
Everyone can Play, Anyone can Win!
Teams may have 5-8 players, and must have a range of skill levels. Each team has beginner, mid-level, and advanced players so each matchup can be competitive and fun.
Get together a few friends, your co-workers, or some family and put together your own team!
Latest News
NEW 2024-2025 Bylaws!!
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
All current 2024 Central Ohio members should have received an email on May 31, 2024 with our new Bylaws and a cliff notes version of all the important changes that took place in those new Bylaws. It i...more...
Keeping Proper Score on Paper
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
The World Qualifier scorekeeping is done on paper not on the Scorekeeper App. Please watch these videos if you are unsure how to keep score on paper. Some of the video maybe a little overkill, but y...more...
Replay Rule
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
The Replay Rule is something new to the Central Ohio League area. You want to read up on this! Your team does NOT have to use the replay rule, but it is there for you to use if you don't have 5 play...more...
Athens, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Hocking, Licking, Marion, Morrow, Muskingum, Pickaway, Union
8-Ball Open, 9-Ball Open, Masters